Conversation about Family

Indri  :        Hi Ria, What’re you doing ?
Ria     :        Hi Indri, I’m looking at family’s photograph.
Indri  :         Is this your family’s photograph ? May I see it ?
Ria     :         Yes, sure.
Indri  :         Is he your father ? What is your father’s name ?
Ria     :         Yes, he is. My father’s name is Edi Sumarno, how about you ?
Indri  :         My father’s name is Dwi Purwanto.
Ria     :         Hm, how do you spell it ?
Indri  :         D-W-I  P-U-R-W-A-N-T-O
Ria     :         Oh, what is your mother’s name ?
Indri  :         My mother’s name is Sri Ani, and your mother ?
Ria     :         Khotilah. How old are your father and your mother ?
Indri  :         My father is 46 years old and my mother 41 years old, and you ?
Ria     :         My father is 43 years old and my mother 36 years old.
Indri  :         Hm, Do you have a brother or sister ?
Ria     :         Yes, I have one younger sister and two younger brothers, How  about  you ?
Indri  :         oww many, I just have one younger sister J. My younger sister is Astika, she is 15 years old, she is still in 67 Junior High School. How about you ?
Ria     :         My younger sister is Dela, she is 5 years old, she is still in Paud. My younger brothers are Rangga and Fu’ad. Rangga is 8 years old, he is still 06 Elementary School. Fu’ad is 3 years old, he is the youngest brother.
Indri  :         Ohh many still children
Ria     :         Yes, by the way I have class now, Sorry, I've got to go
Indri  :         That’s OK. Bye :)