Showing posts with label Korespondensi. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Korespondensi. Show all posts

Contoh Surat Balasan Konfirmasi Kedatangan Wawancara dalam Bahasa Inggris

Confirmation of Attendance (Konfirmasi Kedatangan)


9th September, 2015


Miss Ria Vinola Widia Wati

HRD Manager


Graha 55 Pegambiran Street Rawamangun

East Jakarta 13220


Subject : Confirmation of Attendance


Contoh Surat Undangan Wawancara dalam Bahasa Inggris

 Invitation to Attend for Interview (Undangan Wawancara)


Graha 55 Pegambiran Street Rawamangun

East Jakarta 13220


Ref      : RH/I2/IX/15

8th September, 2015


Dina Arisandi

Pramuka Raya Street

East Jakarta 13984


Subject : Invitation to Attend for Interview


Dear Miss Dina,


Based on a job application you have sent to our company on 5th September, 2015, you meet the qualifications as a Senior Secretary, then we hereby inform you that you are entitled to participate in the written test and interview that will be held on :